The chart shows the projected value of your accumulated pension contributions and lump sum transfers at retirement across a range of possible outcomes. Your investment portfolio will be comprised of different asset classes, including equities and bonds, in different proportion depending on the risk level arising from your funds selection. For long-term equity and bond return projections, Universal Life uses the underlying 10-year asset class expected returns. These estimates are forward-looking, are not guarantees, and they involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions.
Anticipated value at retirement
This is the anticipated value of your pension at the expected time of your retirement, based on the Base Case investment return expectations.
Probable range
The shaded area in the chart represents the likely range of your pension based on simulations of return expectations.
Lowest projected value
The lowest projected value coincides with the lower border of the probable range area.
Important information
These projections include the effect of all costs including administration fees and investment fund costs. They do not include the effect of inflation, tax benefits or of future changes to your risk level or investment style. It is also assumed that all income is re-invested over the investment period.
The outcome, notes and assumptions included in the tool are for informational purposes only. The use of the tool should not be interpreted as advice and therefore it does not constitute a direct or indirect recommendation or encouragement to buy, sell or transfer investment products. The calculations and results are hypothetical and approximately calculated based on information, assumptions and estimates considered by Universal Life, however Universal Life does not guarantee their accuracy and is not responsible for any loss or damage that may result from the use of this tool.
The Funds and any pension products linked to them are not protected by any compensation or guarantee scheme. Your capital is at risk. The value of your portfolio can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance, and the projections are indicative long-term with no guarantees that they will be achieved.